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reports and training

Business models for purpose-driven entrepreneurs

Toolbox for the Social Business came about when many entrepreneurs that Impact Invest supports feel that a traditional "Business model canvas" does not work so well for them. Likewise, traditional books and guides rarely reflected women as entrepreneurs and did not address the environmental and social values that can be created. 
In addition to business models, this workbook also takes several other important aspects in developing a company in a business-like and conscious way.

Social entrepreneurship

New report: Increasing access to capital for socially motivated enterprises. (SWE)

The world is facing major societal challenges. Therefore, Agenda 2030 as well as the EU's action plans highlight the importance of strengthening socially motivated entrepreneurs. These can be found both in business and civil society and are mapped in a new report from Entreprenörskapsforum. The report shows that entrepreneurs who contribute to social and welfare benefits are held back by difficulties in accessing capital and advice. The possibilities for financing should be broadened to also include companies that focus on social value development, rather than economic growth.
Click on the images to access the material.


Training: Risk management from a sustainability perspective

In this short digital training, you who work with sustainability work and investments get an introduction to how risk analysis can be done. With the EU's new requirement that investors and larger companies be able to report both which methods are used and the results themselves, it is important to know adequate methods. The training has been developed in collaboration with Diploma Utbildning.
Only available in Swedish. Contact us for training in English.

Sociala obligationer

Comparing and evaluating impact

In 2020, members of the Impact Invest network contributed to the development of a guide for investors and analysts that describes how social and environmental impacts can be evaluated and compared between different types of investments. COMPASS includes a guide for investors and a guide for those doing the data analysis.  

Impact investing guide

What is meant by impact investments?

This book is written as a response to the many questions that Impact Invest have been asked by members and others over the past ten years: 

What distinguishes impact investments? How is it different from sustainable investing? Are the global development goals an appropriate framework for setting targets for the impact to be achieved?
These and many more questions are discussed. The book also contains short interviews with some of the pioneers in the field who explain how they work. The book is available as a printed publication and as an e-book at Apple Books.

Capital with purpose

Training: Risk management from a sustainability perspective

In this short digital training, you who work with sustainability work and investments get an introduction to how risk analysis can be done. With the EU's new requirement that investors and larger companies be able to report both which methods are used and the results themselves, it is important to know adequate methods. The training has been developed in collaboration with Diploma Utbildning.
Only available in Swedish. Contact us for training in English.

Risk analysis sustainability

Training: Systematic sustainability work

Is EVERYONE in your organization aware of sustainability issues?
Impact Invest has met many organizations where the knowledge and tools to work systematically with sustainability issues vary greatly depending on the role you have in the team. In order for everyone in the organization to get a good foundation with knowledge of both social and environmental issues in an easily accessible way, we are now launching several e-learning courses.

The overview training which is available with three different orientations depending on whether your organization delivers services, manufactures products or is a public actor.

This course is available in Swedish only. Contact our team for training in English.

Systematic sustainability work

we guide you further 

Do you want advice and support to develop your impact investments? We offer advice, evaluations and training to help you create  and further develop processes and methods for financing and impact measurement. 

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